My healing work has been over two decades, and there are two things to know about humans.
The first one is that we need to be treated uniquely, yet there are principles of how you treat humans that go for all people.
Second. The principles are not depending on time, age, gender, disease, or injuries; they have always been the same for traditional medicine.
Yet to heal a person from mental, emotional, and physical disease and injuries, you must know the uniqueness of that person.
What is unique for a person is understanding how that person’s mind works and how that works together with the One mind, which is called the collective consciousness.

You also need to understand how the physical body works itself but compared to western medicine; it includes understanding the person`s elements in the body, the energy that is called QI and Prana, which are the spiritual aspects of the body that you can experience short-term or experience on deeper levels when you practice breath and conscious movement together to unite mind and body.

Only through experience from the application will you understand the principle and know how to apply that unique to each person or understand what a group, a couple, a family, a business team, a company, or a sports team needs to function and grow optimally together.

Just like a Masterchef that has mastered his skill to cook or a musician that has mastered his instrument to play music, I have mastered the mind and body so I can heal all people no matter disease or injuries in mind and body.

Healthcare versus "
Sick care." 

Healing is very precise and is no “mambo Jambo” work.
A western doctor with long practical experience with patients has the tools to help people, and the same for an eastern doctor.
The difference between these two disciplines is completely different.
The westerners separate how they treat mind and body.
The eastern always treat both because the body and mind are constantly communicating.
When that natural interplay gets disturbed, we develop diseases, become inefficient, and our lives don´t work as we desire and like.
Western doesn´t treat the root cause of why you become sick.
Eastern investigating and digging until they find out why the disease occurred.
Westerners treat things when they have occurred and try to eliminate the problems directly.
Eastern both work with preventing diseases and treating symptoms and illnesses that have occurred, which means the person needs to go through the healing steps down to the root cause and heal the patterns that made the person sick in mind and body.

This is a process that requires commitment and consistency from the patient/client and the doctors that helps through the healing process.
In this process, the patient/client becomes more and more independent, healthy, and not dependent on the doctor or the medicine.

"Healing is natural and takes place when you are in balance"

I don`t heal people with some mystical power because you have the power yourself to heal yourself. All people have!
My work is to put you in a natural state where the mind and body heal themselves, and that is a process.
A process where we work together with the most basic tools for your mental, emotional and physical health.
The basic tools are breath work, Movement medicine, Medicine, martial arts, Meditation, and food that will bring you back into balance and heal.

Physical movement is very important because it unites the mind and body to become one, and you will only develop actual health.
Health is not a beautiful body or a body that can do 100 push-ups in two minutes.
Health is not a mind that built an empire and had cancer, was burned out, or had to take drugs because it was unhappy.
Health is something you must build through daily practice, like your shower and brushing your teeth daily.

With all clients or groups, I have a therapeutic and philosophical conversation.
The philosophy in traditional medicine is based on the principle of all Life.
All Life exists from two opposite Lifeforce that we can see in microcosmos; your mind and body, but also in this world, macro cosmos.
Night and Day, moon and sun, darkness and light represent, for example, the macro cosmos.
Women and Men, the right and left hemispheres, the left and right sides of your body, your pelvis or your shoulder, intuition, and logic are examples of the microcosmos.

When these two opposite Lifeforce loses their balance and harmony, you develop diseases, and injuries, come into conflict, experience problems and feel life is unfair and doesn´t work. 

The ancient medicine rest upon three pillars; mind, body, and spirit

To understand how we humans incarnate as human beings we can illustrate it with a seed so you can understand why you or other gets sick. Why do families, couples, or a business group doesn`t work and why do you come into the same conflict in the same relationships. The first principle to know for Life is that it is created from two opposite Lifeforces and the connection and integration between them; Yin and Yang, women and men. The second principle is that all are born through darkness into light. Through pain to no pain, to new Life. A great example is when a woman gives birth to a child. From that painful process something amazing, perfect and beautiful is born. A unique child. That child is like a seed. A seed is pure. It has no diseases.
It is like white blank paper.
You are a seed and that seed has a blueprint inherent to be and live what it is.

The seed has a unique blueprint to be healthy, live what it is and be successful 

Each person on this planet is a unique seed with its own blueprint. The blueprint of yourself you will understand through diseases, injuries, conflicts, and separations all that you find as discomfort.
What you perceive as darkness teaches you where you are not living according to your blueprint, your nature. You are the gardener of the seed

A gardener knows the process of the seed. How does the seed become a tree and then return to be a seed again from being a tree?
If you could see yourself from the outside and let the seed teach you and inform you what it needs to have to grow into abundance you will start to understand your blueprint and when you have returned to be the pure seed you have healed and when you give yourself, that seed what it needs to grow naturally to its abundance you have become your own gardener of yourself and your Life. 

Metaphorically the Earth is your physical body.
The mind must be connected to the body, the Earth, for you to become the gardener. The gardener is the observer. If you don’t practice mind-body connection, presence, you will start to grow weed and it is that weed that will lead to your destruction.
That is when you live from your head, what you think is right, or do your choices from your unstable emotions. Choose from what is comfort or discomfort.
You don’t need to fear your destruction because that teaches you to stop destroying yourself.

Destruction happens so you can become aware of what you need to heal in your mind and body to live a healthy, strong, and beautiful Life according to your blueprint.
Destruction happens so you can heal. Why people repeat their destructions is because they try to protect themselves from it.
A gardener doesn´t protect the seed, the seed is protected in the deep Earth, so if the body represents the Earth you will be protected when the mind has strong connection to the body.

The gardener is certain how to grow the seed to what it is 

A gardener doesn´t fear that the seed doesn´t grow to its abundance.
Instead, it will look at the seed correct soil to grow in.
Which means do you take care of the physical body in a correct way so the mind can rest in the soil and create its life and live to its fullest?

How much water does the seed need and how often?
This means how much of the basics you need to practice, breathe, and movement, to become in a receptive fluid state in mind and body.
How often do you need to take away the weed from the growing seed so it can grow with ease without disturbance?
Your negative thoughts and when you cling to your negative emotions that come from your negative thought will grow weed.
Practice shifting your thought, and perceptions, when you experience and see the weed in your Life!

That is how you build a strong pure mind, that can pick its thoughts as it picks its favorite sweater in the morning and doesn´t hold on to clothes that don´t fit or are uncomfortable. Feelings are not real, remember that when you feel a negative emotion and thoughts that you think are right but it not in harmony with all will always grow weed.

                All seeds grow their roots first before they grow above the Earth and show their beauty and strength

Most people grow above the Earth, outwards, and when you do, things, as you see as darkness in Life, will occur so you can go inwards and grow yourself from within.

Grow your roots.

When you have deep roots, you have developed the health and strength within the mind and body to create the experience you want to have from all conditions.
I question I ask my clients is: – what would you create if you knew you could not fail or lose anything or anyone? 
The fear of loss and the fear of separation is the two basic fears that do that people experience negative things in their life and doesn´t understand the value of the darkness.
When you become aware of these fears and the many faces, and expressions, they have in your life, you can stop acting from fear and instead start to create your life consciously.

So is there a quick fix to healing or living to your fullest potential?

I ask you this, does the seed become a big tree in one day, in one week, in two years or five years?
The best thing to understand healing and optimal growth is to take a seed and write down all the steps of how the seed becomes a tree and how the tree becomes a seed again.
Write down the full cycle of Life-Death, seed becomes a tree.
Death-Life, Tree becomes a seed.

Why I tell you this is because you should stop looking for a quick fix, search for different miracle methods, stop avoiding doing the healing and optimal growth work that is to Live and learn by experience and not try to protect yourself from experience or try to compete in Life.
Nature doesn´t compete it simply is all it is in any circumstances.
Why I also tell you this, is because this is how you will work with me.

You need to commit to the process, and let me lead you, guide you, and support you to walk your path. I can show you why you don’t live according to your nature and what is triggering you.
I can show you how to heal it so you can grow optimal and live your full potential instead of being like an unborn seed. But what I cannot do, is to walk for you.
There are a lot of “helpers” with all kinds of education that will say they will save you and walk in your shoes.
But that is not to help anyone.
If I would walk the path for you, I would take away your power.
I would take away both your self-esteem and self-confidence to be, live and express the real you.
No one can be you and no one can live “you” so stop looking outside yourself if you still do.

Let's sum up...

I will teach you to break your unhealthy negative behaviors and grow healthy and strong instead.
You cannot live a healthy, powerful & natural Life if you don’t become aware of your unhealthy and negative behaviors and it is through what you perceive as darkness you become aware of how your power works.

When you break your impulse behavior that comes from fear, you will become aware of what you fear,
and why you fear it.
Then you can start to shift and change the behavior.
But it is a working process.
If you go to the gym with a vision to lift a 100 kg benchpress but you have never done it you must be consistent and show up and do the work.

For health in mind and body, there is no shortcut.
For the spiritual practice and develop the ability to feel a deeper peace and have understanding for the knowledge of LIFE and why things happen there is no shortcut either.
Of course, you can read about things in books and get inspired.
Or go to someone that puts you in a certain state where you experience energy, freedom, tranquility, love, and gratitude.
And you can take shortcuts where you use drugs to get out of your own head and start to feel things as they are.
But all shortcuts is simply shortcuts and like all sugar, they can feel instant good but in the long term, you will always stand empty-handed.

How I work is I will teach you to connect the mind, body, soul and spirit from within.
Learn You to control your impulses so you can feel free in any kind of circumstances.
That means you will have the long-lasting value of the process, but also direct effects when we meet.
I walk you through your process, the transformation in your mind and body over and over again, and you will see how you and your Life become better and better.

When you come and have a session with me, the setting is peaceful, warm, calm, simple, and safe and when you step into my door you bring all your problems, pain, and obstacle you have in your life to me.
When we have done the work together with me in our Urban Ashram/Dojo you will take with you the fruit of our work together and you will leave a little of your baggage with me.
It is your choice to pick it up again after you have left me and being aware of why and how you pick up your own pain is a part of the healing process itself.
Be aware of how the mind and body are attached to the pain and are afraid of letting go of it!

Maybe you have carried that pain a whole lifetime and your unhealed wound have taken you far in Life so that is also why you will be afraid to live without it.
Who are you without your pain and problems?

"- Peace in mind, Peace in body. One with Earth, One with Everything, One with the Great Eternal Spirit". 

The unique being in the world 

All have a Life purpose something that they should give to this world that will make this world a better place for everyone.
It is called Dharma in Sanskrit.
You will see and meet a lot of people who give things to this world that aren´t the best for this world.
And you will meet people who give good things, but they are not doing or giving what they should give to this world.
All people will be in the wrong places with people that are wrong for them to find their place to be the flower and live naturally with their chosen tribe.
That is the part of the journey.

Where most people get stuck is, they try to stay in the wrong places and with people who don´t belong to them and they try to change the place or the other people around them.
When they do, they also lose themselves.
Forgot who they really are and what they need to be who they are.

My work with you also includes bringing you back to your place and helping you to live your Dharma.
The shift All our clients that are a part of our tribe and community for several years have done different kinds of shifts in themselves and their lives.
Some have understood that they have been in the wrong place in their work-life to let their skill and gift to this world be the most beneficial for all.

I have led and supported them to find their soil to shine and give.
Some have been stuck in a relationship that is not for them but is afraid to leave and I have support, everyone, to break free for everyone's best.
I also meet people who are in right place in work-life or private but the group (couple, family, or business team) doesn´t work optimally.
Only one part or a few does the conscious work and when not, everyone does frictions, conflicts occur because some people don`t take responsibility and others take responsibility for what they are not supposed to do.

The collective consciousness is each person on this planet’s full potential 

Take a soccer team for example.
The players have different minds, skills, and tasks yet know how to present their unique expressions so it can be most beneficial for the team.
When they do, they will be valuable to all others and see the value of the rest of the team for how they need the team to be themselves and be able to give their best.
The team, the collective also protects the individual when it is being or doing its best.
The collective informs the individual when it has lost its position.
My work with you or the group you are included in is to help you to find your position in this world.
If you come alone, I will help you to be you and be your best version in this world.
And hold your position with ease no matter where you are and what circumstances you face.
And if you come with your partner or your team, I will help you to understand each other’s differences, so you understand why you sometimes collide, how to communicate, and how you support each other to optimal growth and performance.

Remember you can love someone without agreeing on something and how a middle player, forward, and a goalkeeper in a soccer team express themselves should differ.

Without defining you I will guide you to be yourself and express your unique gift to this world 

If you came to me and you don’t know what your skill is or who you are, I would not tell you, you are a middle field player and now you should start to do this.  
That would be very abstract for that person.
Like I would give that person a new costume for the first time and then say; do you feel comfortable wearing this?
Now go out and be the great middle field player you are in the rest of the world.  
In order to understand who, we are we need to move inwards.
And the way to do that is to start where things don´t work in your Life outwards. “Outwards” is equivalent to your physical body and your material life.  
Where things don´t work in your life, you are not being you or expressing your unique expression.
You are not living according to your blueprint.
There will we start to work together!  

 "If you work Life works for you"

So, I become your trainer, coach, and guide to understand what position you have in this world; who you are. What makes you unique and to have the courage to express that uniqueness no matter where you are in the world and with whom.
Compare to a pro soccer player who is seen for their skill, the most important work I will do with you is to be who you are because if we only focus on your skill you will not bloom.
When you feel comfortable in your own skin and you will be good at your skill and you will give it for the benefit of all (Dharma) you are being yourself and don’t try to prove that you are good at what you are. When you do you will be rewarded always.  

If you only give your best when other people applaud you, you will feel miserable and sad when you don’t get attention or confirmation from others, and therefore you will seek new places where you are being applauded all the time and avoid or leave places where you don’t get confirmation from the outside.
What if it is the people and places you don’ get applause from but teach you to applaud yourself that gives you all that you are searching for?

The peace, deep satisfaction, joy, stillness, freedom, gold, wisdom, and energy that no applause from the outside can ever give you.      

You are an instrument and the musician   

Instead, you could see yourself as an instrument, like you are here to understand, investigate for a whole lifetime, and master.
Like a musician that has understood their instrument, how to control it and how to use it and give it to others.
When you are being you and bringing your unique expression to the world, the right people will see you and you will be of value to everyone even people who see you as a threat or don´t confirm you at all.
Some will love what you play, and some will not. Some will love you in the beginning and leave when they get challenged.  
The person who is itself, its higher being, and gives its unique expression to this world can see both his darkness and light in all people.  

The great gift of the physical body is it teaches you to be in the present and heal the past because it has no opinion about anyone or anything   

Our working sessions together will always include therapeutic talk, Movement Medicine, and breath work. Why we put in work to build mental health and physical health is because without it your body and mind will be an obstacle for you to create your vision.
The physical body is both your home and your vehicle for your mind to rest in and you to experience your life and express your life purpose (Dharma).  

You clean your house, you give your car fuel so you can go everywhere you like and with the same eyes, you need to look at your physical body.
The greatest gift of using the body as a tool to heal the old negative and don´t repeat it is that the body has no opinion as the mind has.
The body doesn´t live in the past or the future therefore you can use the body as a tool to process-digest, transform and eliminate your old negative experience but also the good ones, so you don’t worry about the future or get stuck in a certain experience that is good.

Living a rich life comes from having the ability to transform all experiences into energy and when we can do that, we will not repeat old negative things and we will always be open to greater things to experience, in ourselves and outside ourselves.  
If we don´t process all experiences it is like eating something good but you don’t go to the toilet and when you are not doing that, you either want and need more of the good or you don’t want anything because you are too full.

When you can transform; process, absorb and eliminate, you choose to eat quality and you don’t overeat or eat too little.  
Most people live in the past or future.
And their state states shift between these two.
They are always somewhere else in the mind.
When they are on holiday they start to plan for the next holiday.
When it's cold they long for the sun and when the sun comes, they complain about the sun.  

The mind can be in the past and future.
The physical body is only here in the present so when you practice mind body connection you heal the past and create a different future.
From the present moment all dies and are reborn.
Movement Medicine and Medicine Martial Arts which I am the founder of are two tools that heal your past and create the new that you desire, and it teaches you to be in the present and be aware of what is occurring within yourself (mind and body) and outside yourself.   


Morlor Master Mentors 

Together with my husband, my best friend, and my business partner Peter Morlor I transform people’s minds, bodies, and lives both private and professional.
The gift to work together with us will be an equal exchange.
Many of our individual clients, groups, and couples work with both me and Peter which will help you in the best way to see yourself from further two different eyes and perspectives.
We will say the same things but express them differently. That will help you to shift, change and transform smoother and faster and understand deeper who you are.

It is through the reflection of others we understand ourselves; heal and grow optimal and naturally.
I and Peter also represent the Great Mother and The Great Father which means we will be physiological your parents to heal yourself.
What is unhealed in you we can call the “little child”.
If that child lives from its unhealed wound it blames the world and screams for rescue.
Or it tries to protect and save itself and others.

We will not protect you or save you, but we will teach you to protect and save yourself and stop protecting and rescuing others.
The girl must become the mother to be the woman.
The boy must become a father to be the man.
The girl, the boy, the mother, and the father live in us all, and when we understand them and can control them, be parents to the seed we become all that we are.

We teach you to be the mother and father to yourself so your inner child can heal 

The Mother loves the child unconditionally which means she/he will love you beyond the condition.
That unconditional love will make you feel safe and when you feel safe you can relax and heal.
The interesting part is a lot of people have not gotten this love from their parents or live in a relationship that has it.
When people feel unsafe and want to be saved or save others, they first reject safety because the mother's love will reveal the person’s weak behavior; when it tries to save others or try to be saved by others.

When people do act like this, they try to manipulate others, or they are being manipulated themselves.
The Father leads the child with certainty to success.
That means the father encourages and is supportive and doesn`t punish the child when it fails or doesn`t reach its goal.
The father’s gift is to correct the child with precision, but the father cannot do that if he is not connected to the mother within himself.
If he is not connected, he will push the child over the edge, or it will not push the child when the child needs to be pushed in order to succeed.

The mother and the father symbolize what psychological qualities we as humans need to grow within ourselves to heal, and transform the old mistakes into learning, optimal growth, and success.
If we cannot love ourselves like a mother beyond conditions, we will get stuck in the outside circumstances and that means we cannot forgive and heal.

What happened or what someone did to you, for example, your parent, child, or friend, you cannot heal when you cannot separate that person's actions and who that person really is.
Yet you will be weak if you only have developed the mother in you.
Then you will not be able to correct yourself when you have done wrong or correct others when they need to be corrected.
A person that lives from their blueprint can forgive themselves and others and lead themselves and others to success.

I am both the mother and father and will teach you to hold yourself safe and lead yourself to success.

The Health Architect 

My first company was called “The Health Architect” and my first own clinic/Urban Ashram/Dojo was called Buddhi.
They both symbolize what I and Peter do.
And that is to liberate your soul, show you the way of Light that goes through the darkness.
We know your inherent blueprint and we will like an architect transform your mind, body and life by rebuilding you and your life.  

It is never to late or to early to start your consciousness Life journey   

All ages are welcome my oldest that worked with me for many many years was 84 years old and my youngest client´s has been infant. But usually, children start when they are between 5-7 years old when they come to us first.

We welcome you to start your healing - and optimal growth journey with us.  

A Life journey without any end that we will walk together through the darkness and light to infinity.

 Namaste / Julie Johanna Morlor